Now, who am I?
I'm an Arcturian soul living here for one purpose: to raise the frequency, energy of this world we all share with each other by increasing the personal evolution of every human being that lives on this planet and that directly influences it with his actions, thoughts and words.
In other words, I can say I'm here to increase the individual power of every person that feels like s/he is here to change and to make a change towards unity, light, universal wisdom and sanctity.
In my essence I carry a precious notion of sanctity and of holiness towards everything that lives. And that's where I'm aiming with you too. To sanctity. So if your aim is to build your inner temple instead of imitating other people's lives, you're in the right place and at the right time now. And for that, you have my sincere congratulations!
I've been highly sensitive, ultra intuitive and profoundly guided from the spirit realm since I was born. I've seen visions since I was a child. I saw memories from my past lives, I saw my spirit teachers, ghosts, entities, colorful and geometrical energetical realm that surrounds us all and I started to hear it all too when I was in my teenage years. I felt atmospheres and feelings and thoughts of others, I knew when certain events would occur or what would happen before it did. And in most cases, I was silent about it, because let's admit it, it's not something very popular in our society. It's weird and when not properly trained, it gets to be more of a burden than a real help in life. Especially when you're a child or a teenager raised in a christian beliefs, that pretty much all of these are impossible or a sin.
But by the time I've learned how to use all these skills and how to turn them into my own power tools. And that's why I'm here too. To help you, if you have similar traits in your world perception with strengthening and grounding these skills, that can be perceived first as a weakness or disability.
What are my methods?
In order to ground all these visions, skills, perceptions, memories and codes my soul is carrying, I've chosen shamanism as a medium.
As shamanism* is the oldest practice that naturally connects the spirit with the body and its main purpose is to connect us with our own power, with nature, with our Mother Earth and everything living on it, it was a purely logical choice to make for me as a soul. (*you can trace the shamanistic practices back to the paleolithic era, so about 50 000 to 30 000 BC. would be the first traceable proof of these spiritual / physical / energetical practices).
I put an emphasis on the importance of self evolution at all possible levels of our existence. I do so, because I'm aware that all reality around us is just a reflection of the reality we carry inside of ourselves and that what I carry inside of me I see and experience in the mirror of the physical reality. But now, I'll be very honest with you. What I usually see is that we all carry a heavy load of pain, trauma and social conditioning inside of ourselves and not so much of our own power and clear vision of who we are and what we want to do in our life. And that's why I've decided to step into the game and actually do something about it.
I'm using shamanistic principles and techniques when supporting and guiding your evolutionary process on all levels of your existence. I always pick the techniques that you need the most on your next evolutionary step. So the work with me always differs from person to person. I also use direct and exact energetical work, that includes energetical coding, energetical transfiguration, "casting spells" (coding) with my light language and more. I'm constantly downloading new energetical codes to my energetic body and thus upgrading my healing, prophetic, transformational and even artistic skill set. You see, our bodies are biological technology and it's just up to you if you will use it's full potential or not. Body can be a real powerhouse that is connected nonstop to the "internet" of the universes creator, or it can be the weakest and most incapable thing in your life that prevents you from living your soul's dreams … and you choose which option it will be for you by your daily decisions, habits, thoughts and believes.
I'm focusing mainly on physical and energetical exercises and habits that ground, connect and upgrade the soul and the body, as that is the way I got to the conscious body - soul connection and to fully own and aim my energetical / spiritual skills myself. My method comes from energetical exercises that I've learned through martial arts, through trans work and through direct memories of my past lives energetical training. It also comes from my natural body energetical intelligence, that I've activated through all my physical education I went throughout my life. Another part of my method is trans work itself, that I induce through guided hypnosis and shamanic journeying. I also use a lot of meditation techniques to cultivate the mind, emotions and body. Self discipline is something we’d like to skip in our daily lives, but believe me, that is where the treasure hides.

How did I get here?
A little bit about my education and training, I'm a professional artist. I've finished my Masters degree in nonverbal theater at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, Czech Republic in 2018. Simultaneously I've gone through a training of core shamanism in the form of a series of shamanic workshops in Bratislava, Slovak Republic organized by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Since then, I've been creating, performing, teaching and healing. Main focus of mine has always been the relationship between the physical and the spiritual, the soul and the body. And at the same time I was focusing highly on upgrading my body through energetical exercises that I was learning mostly from martial arts and my own soul guidance and past life memories (yes, I actually do remember a lot of my past training my soul went through throughout my past incarnations). Throughout my life I've gone through excessive physical training in all sorts of sports, dance, physical theater, circus, martial arts and yoga and I was a highly sensitive person raised in a christian community, that means I have always been very religious and spiritually oriented. And that's why I've achieved a pretty large knowledge on all levels of my existence about how to actually connect and upgrade the spirit and the body and how to teach others to go through the same process on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, energetical and spiritual.
I have a teacher that assists me in my own way of my personal transformation and evolution mainly through energetical work. But also as a shaman I'm mainly guided by my spirit guides, ancestors and helping spirits. That's how it works for me and that's how it can work for you, if you choose to. Even though you may sometimes feel quite the opposite, you're never really truly alone.
And what are my goals?
My aim in my life's physical reality is to be a shaman healer, teacher, coach and more for my amazing fellow human beings. I want to create beauty by composing music that changes radically the codes in the physical / energetical reality of this world and to enlighten the world just by sharing my authentic, pure self in any situation I will be in. I would like to emphasize my acting skills and to use all my previous education and experiences on a highly professional level, acting in films, talking to masses, playing big shows with a band and sharing my amazed self when experiencing life from the deepest level it can be experienced. I want to be a human that celebrates life and loves unconditionally and without boundaries. And that's why I'm here. I'm a heretical hermit but sometimes I'm a conservative extrovert. I'm also a good listener, but sometimes I can't stop lecturing others around me. And one last thing you should know about me: I'm constantly changing. And that's about it for now. 😊
Actually there's one more thing I wasn't quite honest with you about previously. In reality, I didn't choose shamanism, it was actually shamanism choosing me. I was fighting against being connected with anything like shamanism, animism, occultism, new age, magic or even other religions like hindu or buddhism as I have been raised in a christian believe that all except christianity is a sin and I will go straight to hell because I believe otherwise. But luckily, I've lost the fight and that's why you can be here with me today. ☺️
Btw, I almost forgot to tell you my name! I'm Eliška Kasprzyk but feel free to call me just Eliška, Ellie or anything similar to it. I was born in the Czech Republic, I lived there for about 24 years, one year I spent in my dream land Cornwall on my Erasmus studies when studying dance and now I live in Finland and I plan to stay here a long long time. 😊
And now, if you feel ready to continue on your own journey you've now started, let's see how can I help you to accelerate the change you want to finally make: